Foreign Minister Fidan: Turkey has the strength and determination to eliminate all threats to its survival at the very source
Foreign Minister Fidan: Turkey has the strength and determination to eliminate all threats to its survival at the very source
Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stated that clearing the Syrian field of terrorism will be one of his top priorities in 2025, and said, "As of today, we have reached the end, the end of the road for the separatist organization and its affiliates in Syria is already visible."
Fidan discussed the agenda at a meeting in Istanbul with representatives of national and international media organizations based in Turkey.
Speaking here, Fidan stated that the region is now tired of wars and conflicts, and said: "We need lasting peace, solidarity and cooperation more than ever. The spirit of the times demands solidarity, development, rational use of regional resources and cooperation."
"Our story about Syria is just beginning,"
Fidan said, "As someone who has been working in Syria for the last 13 years, we are all happy to see this result. I can say that our story about Syria is just beginning. At this stage, the Syrian people are facing various serious challenges, especially with the reconstruction of the country."
Recalling that the Turkish Embassy, which was opened within a week of the overthrow of the regime, and its institutions, which were active on the ground, quickly began to support efforts to rebuild and develop Syria, Fidan said: "We believe that the elements that make up the main axis of our policy in Syria are the main recipe for stabilizing Syria today.. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize once again that the main axis of Turkey's foreign policy is peace, cooperation, solidarity and prosperity. Turkey has no eyes on the territory of any country, and it has no hidden plans."
"The end of the road for the separatist organization and its offshoots in Syria is already near,"
Minister Fidan continued his words as follows:
"Cleansing the Syrian territory of terrorism will be one of the main priorities of 2025. If you pay attention, Turkey is always the first target of all terrorist organizations operating in this region. Naturally, our country is conducting the most effective fight against terrorism. Let me state clearly and unequivocally that Turkey has the strength, capabilities, and most importantly, the determination to eliminate all threats to its survival at their very source. At the stage we have reached today, the end of the road for the separatist organization and its continuation in Syria is already visible. Nothing will ever be the same again. The old order will not be preserved. In the new order in Syria, no one will have the luxury of using the expressions "but" and "however."
Noting that the principles of their foreign policy are not only focused on combating terrorism, but also include support for countries fighting terrorism, Fidan said they do not consider the security and stability of Iraq in isolation from the security and stability of Turkey.
"We are the country that sends the most aid to Gaza"
Stressing that in 2024 they will see that Israel, far from ending its atrocities in Palestine with the self-assurance of impunity, has transferred the war to other countries in the region, Fidan said, "Turkey has sought to end the atrocities experienced by the Palestinians by revealing what Israel has done since the first day of the war to the entire world. On the one hand, we have mobilized all our funds, on the other hand, we have taken initiatives to mobilize the international community. We are the country that sends the most aid to Gaza. To date, we have sent over 88,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza."
"It is unacceptable for Palestinians to remain stateless and stateless in their own homeland,"
stressing that Turkey continues its efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, Fidan said:
"We actively support all ongoing efforts. As we have always emphasized, lasting peace in the Middle East depends on a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is unacceptable that the Palestinians have been left for decades without citizenship, without land and without a place of residence in their own homeland. Until this historical injustice is eliminated, it will be impossible to find a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue and overcome the difficulties facing the Islamic world. Turkey will continue to support its Palestinian brothers and sisters and contribute to their just cause by all means, as it has done so far."
Relations with the EU
Stating that they also attach great importance to the revival of relations with the European Union (EU), Fidan said: "We have really well-functioning cooperation with EU countries at the bilateral level. However, these relations with the institutions of the European Union are not following the same path. Last year we made some progress in this area."
Highlighting the issue of EU membership, Fidan said: "As you know, about 10 years ago the European Union reached a completely different stage. Politically, we do not see any change of opinion on this issue. How can we move relations forward to a point where there is no rational membership, where there is no work, and where there are other open points between us?" he said.
"Member countries will have permanent representatives at the ambassadorial level at the Organization of Turkic States"
Noting that in 2024 steps were taken to further institutionalize and develop relations with the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) and the Turkic world, Fidan said that the member countries will now have permanent representatives at the ambassadorial level in the Organization of Turkic States, as well as in the OSCE, NATO and other UN organizations.
Saying that with the end of the occupation in Karabakh, a historic window of opportunity has opened for lasting peace, stability and prosperity in the region, and that they are working shoulder to shoulder with Azerbaijan in this process, Fidan said he attaches great importance to the positive messages given by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
Turkey's position on the PKK/YPG is clear
Answering questions from the press, Fidan stated that Turkey's reaction to the US rhetoric against the PKK/YPG and their policies and statements on this issue is clear.
Noting that this process with the PKK/YPG terrorist organization was initiated even before the current US administration and that they tried to transfer it to the next administration without any incident, Fidan said: "We said that this kills the spirit of alliance, we have repeatedly stated that this contradicts any spirit of solidarity. They already know that we will not hesitate to take steps that prioritize our own national interests and national security interests in this regard. Frankly speaking, our American partners have had no problems fighting terrorism as long as we don't target them during military operations. I don't think this will happen in the future," he said.
Pointing out that there are alternative measures to preserve the conditions of detention of Daesh prisoners, Fidan stated that these issues will now be the subject of consideration by the new administration, and that the old administration does not have much say in this matter.
The new administration in Syria has a program against the occupation and terror of the PKK/YPG
Regarding the ultimatum presented by the PKK/YPG and possible deadlines, Fidan noted that new perspectives have appeared in Turkish politics since December 8, and stated that a government will be established in Damascus that will cover the whole of Syria, embrace the people and put an end to the suffering and oppression of the people.
Fidan stated that this administration has a program to end the occupation and terror created by the PKK/YPG in the region, in the steps it will take to ensure national unity, unity, solidarity, political and territorial integrity, and that they should be given the opportunity to implement this.
When asked about Turkey's military presence in Syria, Fidan replied as follows:
"In addition to the new reality, of course, we must rethink and think about the modality of our existence there. This is being done right now. In parallel with the steps taken by the new government, Turkey is reviewing the scope, nature and content of its relations with Syria. We provided basic services and security that would enable the survival of approximately 5 million Syrian brothers and sisters living under opposition control in Syria, as well as contributing to the provision of basic services. Now it has become the responsibility of the whole of Syria. Not only for us, but also for the States of this region. Meetings are being held to understand what steps we can take together in this direction. We are really in a completely new process, it has only been a month. If all goes well, our presence there will have to evolve into another dimension."
"Either someone else or Turkey will take steps against the PKK/YPG."
Regarding possible steps by the new administration of Syria or Turkey against the PKK/YPG terrorist organization, Fidan said, "We have said this many times. We have no chance to live with such a threat. Either someone else will do it, or we will do it."
Fidan said the following about PKK/YPG relations with various actors and the possibility of not laying down arms:
"As you know, the organization has operational relations with many countries and special services. They have relations with military structures of many countries. How strong the reflex of such an embedded and manipulated organization can be in relation to the instructions of its own leadership is, of course, another problematic area. Obviously, we have already encountered this problem in the past. In the past, the leadership of the organization gave instructions in this regard: "Lay down your weapons and leave." The movement in this direction began, but then it was stopped under the pretext of the Syrian issue. They went to another environment."
Pointing out that the same scenario repeated itself 10-11 years later, Fidan said that the organization decides for itself whether to listen to such a call or not.
Fidan stated that the calculations and balance of Turkey as a state and a politician should not be based on such hypothetical issues, but on rational and realistic calculations.
"Either the threat will cease to be hostile, or it will move to another dimension and disappear,"
Fidan stated that they had conducted a professional threat analysis against the PKK/YPG terrorist organization.:
"Having analyzed this threat, we determine what diplomatic, military and intelligence tools are needed to eliminate it, and we continue on our way. At the same time, we comply with international law as much as possible. We do not infringe on the rights of our allies in any way. We do not look at the lands of the countries on the other side of our border. Our goal is to eliminate the threat that is our enemy. Or the threat will cease to be our enemy, and we will be able to confirm this. She will either move to another dimension or disappear. We are not in favor of using violence for the sake of violence."
Stressing that the PKK/YPG is "equated with the Kurds" from time to time and that the use of such words in the West is unacceptable, Fidan said: "Just as we don't say 'Arab' when we say 'Daesh,' and we don't classify the fight against Daesh as a fight against Arabs, it's not the right terminology to use the fight against the PKK/YPG as a fight against the Kurds. The Kurds in Syria and the Kurds in Iraq are our dear brothers. It is a wrong and deliberate distortion to equate them with terrorist organizations and use this language in the West, as well as to say that they are "fighting the Kurds" while we are fighting the YPG."
"While the PKK/YPG are being used for Daesh, the threat to Turkey's national security is being ignored,"
Fidan stated that they have been negotiating with France for many years about the fate of DAESH members of French origin in prisons, and stated that the answers they receive from France are always the same.
Noting that some states, such as France, do not want to bring detained Daesh members to their lands and prisons, Minister Fidan said: "By doing this, they do not care about threatening our national security. We are trying to expose this distortion and develop a more understandable policy. Well, you may want to see this citizen on your own land, but there are solutions that will serve your purpose and eliminate my threat. Let's meet here, this is our proposal," he said.
Stressing that Turkey is concerned that these countries always put forward their demands and do not take any concrete steps regarding Turkey's problems, Fidan said: "We do not expect this from them. We are taking concrete steps ourselves in relation to our problems. We will continue to do this in the future. As you know, our president has a famous statement on this topic.: "We cut our own navel." It's a beautiful expression from our Turkish language."