Turkey is strengthening its role as one of the poles of world politics day by day"
Turkey is strengthening its role as one of the poles of world politics day by day"
In his speech at a meeting of the parliamentary group of the Justice and Development Party, President Erdogan said: "We are working day and night to ensure that peace, tranquility, justice and the spirit of cooperation prevail not only at home, but throughout the world, starting with our region. Turkey is strengthening its role as one of the poles of world politics day by day."
President and Chairman of the Justice and Development Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended a meeting of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) group and delivered a speech.
President Erdogan said that the world is on the verge of new and radical changes. Stressing that the north and south of the region are burning in a maelstrom of wars, conflicts, massacres and persecution, President Erdogan said that as a people's alliance they face a historical responsibility in such conditions, and that they are fighting to protect Turkey's political and economic stability, to strengthen its social peace and to continue the march towards their goals.
President Erdogan said that since August 14, 2001, they have come to build spiritual values like Yunus Emre, and that they work day and night to ensure peace, tranquility, justice and a spirit of cooperation reigned not only in their homeland, but also throughout the world, starting from this region.
"Turkey is strengthening its role as one of the poles of world politics day by day," President Erdogan said, adding: "We are making intensive efforts to resolve all crises in our region, including the Russian-Ukrainian war, which left behind its 1,000th day, and the genocide in Gaza, which has been going on for The 14th month. We welcome the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Lebanon, which entered into force this morning. We expect all fans, especially Israel, to fulfill their obligations exactly in terms of maintaining calm on the field. I express that we, as Turkey, are ready to make every possible contribution to ending the massacre in Gaza and establishing a permanent ceasefire."
Continuing his speech after a video presentation of his diplomatic activities, President Erdogan stressed that he takes all his diplomatic steps not because of his political affiliation, but as a member of this country and nation. Erdogan noted that they are aimed at serving the Turkish nation in the best possible way, of which he has always had the honor to be a member, and making the Turkish Republic, which is the hope of the oppressed and victims, prosperous in all areas, and turning it into a strong, prosperous, prosperous and successful country.
Stressing that they feel legitimate excitement, pride and the desire to build a century of Turkey, President Erdogan said: "We promised, we made commitments, we firmly believe in our goal. With the grace of Allah and with the support of our people, we will definitely achieve our goal - the centenary of Turkey."
President Erdogan said: "In saying all this, we do not lose sight of the following fact. Unfortunately, in our country there is a painful understanding of the opposition, which does not put brick on brick, prevents any work, tries to discredit it when it cannot prevent it. Despite this mentality, we have achieved every service we have done, every job we have built, and every achievement we have made for our country over the past 22 years. With the realization that such a heavy burden was on our shoulders, we worked, fought and sweated with hope, love and dreams so as not to disgrace the people. We walked through the obstacles that stood in our way. Despite opportunists, intruders, internal and external enemies, we have made sure that Turkey has experienced the most successful years in the history of the republic."
Stating that today they are dealing with new misconceptions of this sick mentality, President Erdogan said: "Frankly, we know that every breath, every time that we allocate to them is wasted and useless. But when we don't give them the answers they deserve, they raise the bar for insensitivity, increase their audacity, and begin to consider themselves unprofessional. The latest example of this is the garbage, insults and slander that the former chairman of the NRP, who was expelled from politics, threw in the courtroom, where he recently acted as a defendant, like a truck with broken brakes. This man, who lost every election without exception, is a former politician who was insulted in his own party, ousted at a shadow congress and sent into exile. A defeated wrestler cannot get enough of fighting. While this man is creating shadow alliances and hunting for delegates to bring his party to the congress again, he sees a way to get to the agenda by teasing us, or rather, betting on us.
Moreover, he is trying to do this with the help of materials provided to him by the organization "FETO", guilty of treason on July 15. We remember, as if it were yesterday, how he hastened to support the members of the FETO, defending the national expression of will against the attempt of the security forces-judges on December 17-25. On the night of the coup on July 15, he waited for FETO members to complete the occupation of the country, drinking coffee in the house where he slipped between tanks. When we defeated the putschists, standing shoulder to shoulder with our people, he came to a rally in Istanbul, but then returned to his factory and continued to beat the drums of the FETO members. Since that day, he has not been able to explain what he was doing in a hamburger shop for several hours in America, where he went on the eve of the May 14-28 elections."
President Erdogan said that the former chairman of the CHP, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, had an American friend whom he advertised throughout Turkey as an "economic guru."
President Erdogan said: "After losing the presidency, he called him "Mr. Bey." We saw how the dollars and euros he talked about to attract to the country turned into towers in the Istanbul office. In other words, this is an example of failure, incompetence and unprofessionalism. The obscene accusations made by the neighbors at the table of this man, whom he claims to govern Turkey, is, to put it mildly, political impoliteness. It is also a sign of a character defect. The resentment and ambition caused by the slap he received from the people at the ballot box blinded this man's eyes and took over his mental abilities."
Noting that political rivalry is one thing, and "pursuing a vendetta in politics" is quite another, President Erdogan said: "From the first day when he was brought to power with the help of a cassette tape, this man has not been able to comprehend the art of politics, political ethics and customs of politics. Looking at what happened today, we can see more clearly how our country suffered a major defeat in the May 14-28 elections. I have already said that our nation has mercy. Our people, with their great wisdom, called "Anatolian wisdom", did not entrust the country, the state and the future of their children to this man and an improvised structure called the "table of six". We can't thank God enough for this, we can't thank our nation enough."
Stating that he could not accept Kilicdaroglu's mistake, President Erdogan said: "Now he is mocking us to get out of the hole into which his party threw him. We tell him, "There is no bread for you through this door." Go and give a report to the judicial authorities for your misconduct. Your interlocutor is not us, but the judiciary. We will also not be an instrument of your unbridled political ambitions. Their new presidents are no different from the old ones," he said.
Recalling that the Ministry of National Education has sent a letter to municipalities reminding them that kindergarten services that are under their control cannot be provided in kindergartens that they manage, President Erdogan noted that this reminder follows from a legal obligation. Explaining that behind the obligation to issue this warning is a ruling that the CHP appealed to the Constitutional Court and overturned, President Erdogan said: "Just as in the case of student scholarships, the CHP is again pursuing a policy of abuse in an issue in which it is the culprit. After the article reached the municipalities, the chairman of the NRP and some mayors poured out into the square and challenged us in their minds with exaggerated expressions."
Noting that although ignorance is a tolerable disadvantage in itself, it becomes unbearable when ignorance and arrogance combine, President Erdogan said: "This is exactly what the CHP and some of its mayors demonstrated in the recent incident. Imagine the leader of the main opposition and the candidates nominated to replace him, who do not even know the difference between a kindergarten and a nursery. They did not read the letter from the ministry. But they are very adept at making judgments and shouting "they are interfering with us." Let's say they read and understood. This time they cannot get rid of the habit of lying and slandering, which has become an integral part of their nature."
Pointing out that the Republic of Turkey is a state of law and order, President Erdogan said: "The rules for opening a nursery, kindergarten, secondary school or university are clear. There are standards that every educational institution must meet. No one can say, "I don't care about the rules, I don't obey the law." They are so cowardly and incompetent that they hide behind their families and children in the name of political opportunism, and they are in complete despair. In fact, there is nothing to take them seriously, but we feel sorry for our country and our people."
President Erdogan quoted Yahya Kemal Beyatli's lines: "This raging storm is the Turkish army, Lord/This army died for you, O Lord/So that your name might be resurrected, sanctified by the call to prayer/Give her victory, because this is the last army of Islam" and said: "As Yahya Kemal said, this army is a glorious army that is the standard-bearer of Islam on 3 continents and in 7 climatic conditions. No one should pull this army to the right or to the left. As in Yahya Kemal's statement, we are well aware of the situation of our army." Despite all their efforts, the NPR mentality could not break the spiritual roots of our army. God grant that it will not succeed in the future," he said.
President Erdogan said: "Since our heroic army was purged of guardianship enthusiasts and FETO traitors, it began to fulfill its duty to protect the motherland much more effectively and successfully. Now, instead of dealing with the interior of the country, we have an army that does not allow terrorist organizations to breathe beyond our borders. No one should regret, we will not allow the coveted achievements of the Turkish armed forces, with their land, sea and air, to be overshadowed by rapists who do not hesitate to go side by side with the continuations of the separatist terrorist organization."
President Erdogan continued as follows: "And for the sake of three or five votes, with all due respect, you will swallow the insult of Mustafa Kemal's dog, and you will not utter a word when supporters of the separatist organization will correct you from the rostrum of parliament, and you will not say a word to the statements of support received from Kandil and Pennsylvania during the elections on May 14-28, and today you will shamelessly tell us about Gazi Mustafa Kemal, the Republic, love for the motherland, the nation and Mehmetchik. Go ahead and face your own black record first. Go and answer why you haven't raised your voice against the insults you've been subjected to so far. Explain why you supported those who called Turkey an "occupier" and slandered the Turkish armed forces for "using chemical weapons." How dare you criticize us for the republic, while we are wandering between DEM municipalities. Is it your right to criticize us on such an occasion? We and our people are fed up with your hypocritical and spineless policies."
"We will not allow our army to be infected with a political virus that has forced us to pay a very high price in our recent history, especially in the Balkan War," President Erdogan said, recalling that the country suffered the largest territorial losses in its history due to the conflict between the unionists and the Entente.
Stating that during the Balkan Wars it was painfully experienced how the political virus collapsed and weakened the army from within, President Erdogan said that Rumelia, which Ryza Tevfik lamented, saying: "This tender homeland is ours, we did not accept it, it was taken away," was lost in just one week.
President Erdogan said: "Throughout the history of our republic, we have closely watched how our army was dragged into a whirlpool and how it was brought to confrontation with our people during the custody attempts that were repeated almost every 10 years. We will not turn a blind eye to the irresponsibility of the leaders of the NRP, who threaten our army with disorganization, disorganization and indiscipline. As the AK Party and the People's Alliance, we will continue to defend democracy, law, justice, development, civil policy and the rights of our nation at the cost of our lives, if necessary, despite the conspirators and their accomplices."
"In this process, we are once again witnessing this unchangeable truth," President Erdogan said, adding that every test the country faces reveals part of the distorted and dirty face of the NRP mentality.
President Erdogan said: "This is the second largest party in parliament, in a sense, an alternative to the government and its cadres. There is no merit, no competence, no such problem as serving the people and the country," he said.
President Erdogan continued his speech as follows: "Is there at least one citizen who can look at the NRP as it is and see hope for himself and his country? Is there at least one sane person who looks at the chairmen of the CHP, old and new, and at mayors whose ambitions exceed their height, and believes that he can entrust the country to any of them? Can anyone look at the NRP and see footage that can defend Turkey's national interests around the world using the intricacies of diplomacy, its political and military might, as well as its personal relationships? Despite this, how can the NRP get so many votes, win so many municipalities and have so much courage? To be honest, we, as the Justice and Development Party, are the culprits of this. This is self-criticism, clear and unambiguous. "Stick a needle in yourself and a needle in another," our ancestors said. Before criticizing others, you need to look for the problem in yourself. The economic difficulties we are experiencing due to the global and regional crises, combined with some of our shortcomings and even mistakes, have made millions of people reluctant to vote for the NRP. Maybe they didn't vote, but the result is obvious."
Stating that the CHP has never been the national party of this country since the days of its "one-party fascism" and that it has no such care or effort, President Erdogan said: "This party has been accusing us of corruption and violations for years on many issues, none of which has any documents, evidence or grounds, right? So what happened next? Those who accused us of injustice, lawlessness and injustice did all this when they had the opportunity. Undoubtedly, when the time comes, they will answer for all this both to the people and to the judiciary. Just as those who place municipal facilities at the disposal of a terrorist organization are brought before the judicial authorities one by one, thieves will be brought to court when their documents and information are ready. No one has the right to rob, waste and distribute the resources allocated to the service of the nation in dark places for the sake of their own greed, their insidious ambitions, their personal advertising."
Noting that he is also a municipality and currently runs the state, President Erdogan stressed that the corruption unleashed through concerts is only the tip of the iceberg.
Explaining that much more serious thefts and violations are taking place underwater, President Erdogan said: "In the coming period, we will see together what kind of robbery scheme operates under the slogan of populist municipalism. Our country is well aware of how those who run away from paying off the accumulated debts of the SSC, declaring that "there is no money," find billions when it comes to enriching their supporters."
Stating that the people will demand an account for this at the polling stations, President Erdogan said: "Those who committed corruption will be held accountable before the law. During the 22 years of our continuous rule with glory and honor, we may have shortcomings in the service, we may make mistakes in choosing jobs, but we do not have such plundering of the state treasury as these people have."
President Erdogan said: "By solving the problems of our people one by one before the elections, keeping our country on the path of security and stability, not deviating from our goal of the Turkish century, turning global and regional events to our advantage, we will renew hopes, win hearts and preserve our power."
Stressing that the People's Alliance, which was created by the people on July 15, 2016 in the streets and squares with its epic resistance to the traitors of FETO, stood up despite the difficulties, President Erdogan continued: "I see that the bold appeal of the chairman of the HDP, Mr. Bakhcheli, revealing his more than half a century of political career and the political career of his party, in recent weeks has caused disappointment among those who distrust the People's Alliance. These sincere trades were disappointed, as always. At all consultations, including at the meeting that we held at the Presidential Complex on November 14, we sincerely discuss and exchange ideas with Mr. Bakhcheli on many issues related not only to domestic but also to foreign policy. We fully agree with Mr. Bakhcheli on all issues that serve the benefit of the country and the nation, and we act in harmony and coordination. As I have always said, our People's Alliance continues its journey in the spirit that finds its meaning in the aphorism of Master Necip Fazyl."
Stressing that HDP President Devlet Bahceli put forward a bold and fateful proposal on behalf of the party he represents, President Erdogan said, "As the President of the Republic of Turkey, to whom our people have entrusted responsibility for governing the Republic of Turkey, we are considering this issue in all its aspects, including its political, social and regional consequences. Our institutes conduct research that will form the basis for our assessments, without missing a single detail, with the understanding that "all things are equal", with state seriousness and great sensitivity. We do this not with the irresponsibility of gamblers "raising their hand", but with the scrupulousness, calmness and self-control required by the weight of the burden that we carry on our shoulders."
President Erdogan said that they are determined to eradicate the scourge of terrorism that has plagued the country for 40 years, using all means and tools: "We will destroy the wall of terrorism that they want to build between Turks and Kurds. We will hand over to our children a Turkey without terrorism, without violence, without a terrorist-backed policy that rests with its back on a gun and a mountain. We sincerely and resolutely strive for this goal. As I have always said, as long as a terrorist organization does not give up its role as a trigger, subcontractor, mercenary and apparatus of world powers, we will continue to crush its head wherever it is."
President Erdogan noted that a party that acts as a political continuation of a terrorist organization will continue to be responsible in conscience and before the law if it does not show a concrete and convincing desire to become a party of Turkey, getting rid of the leadership of the organization.
Stating that he also talked about it in the election squares, President Erdogan said that it was not a secret or hidden thing.
Explaining that they said, "If you follow the principles of the rule of law, we will not deal with you as a government," President Erdogan said, "But unfortunately, when they try to settle members of a terrorist organization in municipalities, the law and the judicial system will hold you accountable. Provided that it remains within the legal borders, no one will be able to play politics by taking a terrorist organization as a safety net, as long as the path of civil policy in our country is wide open."
Noting that the statements made by the Kandil party and the DEM party after Devlet Bahceli's historic appeal, reflecting the common political vision of the People's Alliance, indicate that both structures adhere to the same mindset, President Erdogan said: "This mindset must change."